Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Twilight is coming...

It's almost here!! Despite my best efforts to not get my hopes up, I really really hope that the Twilight movie lives up to all the hype and more importantly my high standards for what a Twilight movie is supposed to be like. I must admit that I was a bit apprehensive when they announced Kristen Stewart and Rob Pattinson as Bella & Edward. But they're starting to grow on me.

Kristen definitely has that awkwardness to her that embodies Bella. And Rob...well, I still want to fetch him a comb or something, but the chemistry between the two of them seems undeniable in all the clips I've seen. So come Friday night (yes I have to wait until after work!), me and my willing (yes, he's willing!) husband will be watching my most beloved vampire tale unfold...

BTW, if you see it before me, don't spoil it! Wait until Saturday to let me know what you think ;-) For now, this will have to do.

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